Connect & Thrive
Digging into what I’ve been hearing from the people I coach, how we look at ways to change mindset and grow.
How to Overcome a Summer Funk and Boost Your Energy: A 30-Day Challenge
I've been in a funk this summer due to all the damn rain and cold weather. It didn't help that my summer vacation turned into a 3,000-mile college tour, also plagued by rainy and cold days. On top of that, my business plans went sideways, and hosting my nieces for a month distracted me from my work, leaving me feeling drained. Even my partner struggled with the long stretches of rainy days, and our home lost its usual joyful energy.
As a life and business energy coach, maintaining high energy levels is crucial to serving my clients effectively. So, I need to find strategies to get myself out of this funk quickly.
What’s your price of admission?
All decisions in life come at an opportunity cost. How do you know what that is?
Emotional Hangovers
Have you ever loved someone so much that when you get into a weird emotional event (a fight, a weird text exchange, an inopportune sideways glance, someone’s caught gossiping, a perceived judgment) it took a few days to feel right?
Who is the lead in your movie?
When we think we know best about those we care about, it's helpful to think about who is in charge of their life. We can also consider how it would feel if someone decided how we should live our life. If you think of life as a movie, and we are our own main character, how would that change things?
Resilience and Connection
What are the things you need to do/see/be to feel connected and a part of something bigger than yourself? The holidays are a great time to be intentional about taking the best care of YOU!
How Are You Doing, Really? A Post Covid Check-in
We think we’re back to normal after the worst of Covid is over but we don’t feel the same as before. It’s time to look at what’s working and what isn’t so we can feel better.
What is your word of the year????
Happy New Year! I'm thinking about how to make this year more joyful. What is something you want more of in the coming year?
Now is a great time to think of one simple word to remind yourself every day to make it happen!
New Years Resolutions That Work
When you’re making your New Year’s Resolutions this year, you can make them so much more powerful with the right goals behind them.
What should you ask before hiring a life coach?
So, you're ready to find a life coach but you have no idea how to pick the right one for you. Most coaches offer free discovery sessions to see if you are a fit. These range anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Having some questions prepared to get clear on finding the best coach for you will give you a much better shot.
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